Turbine Maintenance | Turbine Repair | Triveni Turbines
Turbine Repair

Any Age,
Any Make


Refurb Intro

Triveni REFURB (Multi-brand services) is carving out a niche in the refurbishing and repair of rotating equipment of 'Any make, Any age’ across the world. The wide portfolio includes efficiency enhancements by the complex re-engineering of rotating equipment, using advanced scanning equipment and state-of-the-art design & manufacturing facilities to basic activities like overhauls, health checks, condition assessments and spare parts supply by reverse engineering

Refurb Intro

Why Refurbishment?

Triveni REFURB (Multi-brand services) team consists of highly experienced specialists who can re-engineer the turbine to suit the customers’ current requirements. Steam turbines tend to degrade over usage with reduced efficiencies. Triveni REFURB (Multi-brand services) with our vast experience of installed base will assist our customers in Re-Engineering to address customers’ Efficiency Restoration and Enhancement by amalgamation of our Highly Efficient blade design to the existing turbine housing. This is a complex reengineering activity which our experts will undertake by upgrading the steam flow path and guaranteeing enhanced output to our customers. Learn more on our LinkedIn and YouTube Channels.

  • Up to 15% improvement in efficiency
  • ROI under 2 years resulting in increasing profitability of operations
  • Life extension of the turbine by over 100000 hours
  • Increased Span between two overhauls

Reliable and Efficient


In-house 3D Scanning Team

3D printed blade root checking

Specialized for refurbishment with vast knowledge of rotating equipment

Services conducted successfully for over 15 different OEM brands

Our Services

Triveni REFURB (Multi-brand services) has built its reputation on service and quick turnaround. We have over 100 trained engineers to talk to you one-on-one and walk you through the resolution of the problem. They are also travelling to sites to support our client’s engineers. We have a whole basket of offerings which include health monitoring, LTSA, RLA studies, overhauls and O&M, to ensure that you can focus on your core competencies and allow us to ensure the optimum performance of your turbine island.

Triveni Refurb (Multi-brand services)

Triveni Refurb (Multi-brand services) Brochure A5 2023 v11

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