Corporate Governance Banner

Commitment to

Corporate Governance


At Triveni Turbine Limited, we believe that sound Corporate Governance is vital to enhance and retain stakeholders’ trust. Good Governance underpins the success and integrity of the organisation, institutions and markets. It is one of the essential pillars for building efficient and sustainable environment, system and practices to ensure that the affairs of the Company are being managed in a way which ensures accountability, transparency, fairness in all its transactions in the widest sense and meet its stakeholder’s aspirations and societal expectation. We are committed to the adoption of best governance practices and its adherence in the true spirit at all times and envisage the attainment of a high level of transparency and accountability in the functioning of our Company and conduct of our business internally and externally.

In line with the above philosophy, we continuously strive for excellence through adoption of best governance and disclosure practices. Our Company recognises that good governance is a continuing exercise and thus reiterates our commitment to pursue highest standard of Corporate Governance in the overall interest of our stakeholders. We are conscious of the fact that the success of a company is reflection of the professionalism, conduct and ethical values of its management and employees. In addition to the compliance with the regulatory requirements as per Regulation 17 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations), we endeavour to ensure that the highest standard of ethical and responsible conduct are met throughout the organisation.

Audit Committee

Audit Committee


Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Remuneration Icon

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Icon

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Risk Management Icon

Risk Management Committee

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