Powerful and

Condensing Steam Turbine
The condensing turbine can use the total energy of the inlet steam flow to a maximum extent. This type of steam turbine is used in power plants that are highly reliable to meet the power generation requirements.
Types of Condensing Steam Turbine :
- Straight Condensing
- Uncontrolled Extraction Condensing
- Controlled Extraction Condensing
- Double Extraction Condensing
- Injection Condensing
- Reheat Condensing

Key Design Features :
- Customised, efficient and compact design turbines with Integral oil tank.
- One/Multiple bleed provision at predetermined stage to extract steam.
- Horizontally split single cylinder turbine.
Key Design Features:
- Exhaust casing with provision for Radial/Axial exhaust orientation
- Hydraulically operating quick closing Stop and Emergency valve with integral stainless steel steam strainer
- Provision for single/double controlled extractions and multiple uncontrolled extraction points
Key Design Features:
- Flanged port/s provision on turbine casing for steam extraction/s
- Single piece forged alloy steel rotor - Dynamically balanced at full speed
- Alloy steel turbine blades shrouded/free standing
Key Design Features:
- Tilting pad type Journal & Thrust bearing 10. Turbine skid insulation Ceramic blanket type insulation (CAT-9)
- Electro Hydraulic Governing system as per NEMA with or without GRID synchronization
- Flexible couplings as per API 671
- Machine vibration monitoring and protection as per API 670

Technical Data :
- Power Output - Up to 100 MWe
- Inlet Steam Pressure - Up to 140 Bar (a)
- Inlet Steam Temperature - Up to 545 deg C

Typical Application :
- Combined Heat and Power
- Power Generation
- Mechanical Drives

Typical Segments :
- Steel
- Cement
- Sugar & Distillery
- Pulp & Paper
- Combined Cycle based IPPs
- Fertilizers
- Biomass based IPPs
Typical Segments :
- Food Processing
- Petroleum Refineries
- Chemicals
- Petrochemicals
- Oil & Gas (API)
- Waste to Energy based IPPs
- Coal based IPPs

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