Board of Directors
Transferee(s) needs to send share certificate(s) along with share transfer deed in the prescribed form 7B, duly filled in, executed and affixed with requisite share transfer stamps, to the Company’s RTA.
The shares sent for physical transfer are registered and returned to the Transferee (s) within a period of 7-10 days from the date of receipt, if the documents are complete in all respects.
The legal heir(s) should obtain a Succession Certificate or Letter of Administration from the competent court with respect to the shares and send a true copy of the same, duly attested, alongwith a request letter, transmission form, and the share certificate(s) in original, to the Company’s RTA for transmission of the shares in his/their name(s).
However if the deceased shareholder had registered his nomination with the Company/RTA, in such case the legal heir(s) should send an attested copy of death certificate issued by the competent authority alongwith a request letter, transmission form, and the share certificate(s) in original, to the Company’s RTA for transmission of the shares in his/their name(s).
For shares held in demat form, investors are advised to approach their DP concerned for transmission of the shares.
The surviving shareholder(s) will have to submit a request letter supported by an attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased shareholder and accompanied by the relevant share certificate(s). The Company’s RTA, on receipt of the said documents and after due scrutiny, will delete the name of the deceased shareholder from its records and return the share certificate(s) to the surviving shareholder(s) with necessary endorsement.
Share certificates along with a request letter duly signed by all the joint holders may be sent to the Company’s RTA for change in order of names, known as ‘transposition’. Transposition can be done only for the entire holdings under a folio and therefore request for transposition of part holding cannot be accepted by the Company/RTA. For shares held in demat form, investors are advised to approach their DP concerned for transposition of the shares.
Shareholders who have lost/misplaced share certificate(s) should inform the Company’s RTA immediately about loss of share certificate(s), quoting their folio number and details of share certificate(s).
The RTA shall immediately mark a ‘stop transfer’ on the folio to prevent any further transfer of shares in question, if already not effected? It is recommended that the shareholder(s) should lodge a FIR with the police regarding loss of share certificate(s). They should send their request for duplicate share certificate(s) to the Company’s RTA and submit documents as required by the RTA.
Consolidation of share certificates helps in saving costs in the event of dematerialization shares and also provides convenience in holding the shares physically. Shareholders having certificates in various denominations under the same folio should write to the Company’s RTA enclosing all the certificates for consolidation of all the shares into a single certificate.
If the shares are held under multiple folios, but have the same order of names, the shareholders should write to the Company’s RTA for the prescribed from for consolidation of folios. This will help the shareholders to efficiently monitor the holding and the corporate benefits receivable there on.
Shareholders may write to the Company’s RTA enclosing the relevant share certificate for splitting into smaller lots. The share certificates, after splitting, will be sent by the Company’s RTA to the shareholders at their registered address.