Nomination Facility
Section 109A of the Companies Act, 1956 provides the facility of nomination to shareholders. This facility is mainly useful for individuals holding shares in single/sole name. Nomination would help the nominee(s) to get the shares transmitted in his/their favour without any hassles.
Individual shareholders holding the shares in single or joint names can appoint a nominee. In case of joint holding, all the joint holders together have to appoint the nominee.Only an individual can be appointed as a nominee. A trust, society, body corporate, partnership firm, karta of HUF or a power of attorney holder cannot be appointed as a nominee(s).
The individual shareholders can avail of the nomination facility by submitting the prescribed Form 2B to the Company’s RTA duly completed in all respects. Form 2B may be downloaded from the Company’s website, www.trivenigroup.com under the Section “Investor”.
Dividend is paid under two modes viz.
- National Electronic Clearing Services (NECS)
- Physical dispatch of dividend warrant/DD
This would facilitate prompt and direct credit of dividend to the bank account of the shareholders through electronic clearing and avoid postal delays, loss in transit and fraudulent encashment of warrants.
Shareholders holding shares in physical form may send their NECS Mandate Form, duly filled in, to the Company. The form may be downloaded from the Company’s website www.trivenigroup.com under the section “Investor”.
However, if the shares are held in dematerialized form, NECS mandate has to be sent to the concerned DP directly, in the format prescribed by the DP.
Shareholders are requested to furnish the new bank account number allotted by the banks post implementation of Core Banking Solutions (CBS), alongwith a copy of cheque pertaining to the concerned account, to the Company in case the shareholders hold shares in physical form and to the concerned DP in case the shareholders hold shares in demat form.
In the case the shareholders do not provide their new account number allotted after implementation of CBS, please note that NECS to the shareholders’ old account may either be rejected or returned.
In order to receive all documents, notices, including Annual Reports and other communications of the Company promptly and to support the ‘Green Initiative’ in the Corporate Governance undertaken by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to contribute towards greener environment, shareholders should register their e-mail addresses with the Company/RTA, if shares are held in physical mode or with their DP, if the shares are held in demat form.