


Since its inception, we have always been active when it comes to social responsibility. With the inherent belief that our success lies in the welfare of society, we pursue activities for our sustainable development. Our Company embraces the responsibility to create a positive impact in the communities we work and live in. Along with sustained economic performance we believe in the importance of social stewardship. We are committed to creating an environment that contributes to the well-being of communities and the conservation of nature.

List of Corporate Social Responsibility projects of Triveni Turbine Limited

Sl No Particulars of the CSR project  Areas/Subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 
I. Education and Training
1 Education and Training / Healthcare of Special / Differently-abled children – Dharithree Trust (ii) promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
2 Education and Training for Special/ Differently abled children – Aruna Chetna
3 Promoting Education in Govt. Model Primary School
4 India- Israel Master- Classes Series – Ananta Aspen Centre
5 Education for Underprivileged girls – Commit2Change
II. Technology
6 Planned Support for New Technology & Development project with IISc (ix)(a) Contribution to incubators or research and development projects in the field of science, technology, engineering and medicine, funded by the Central Government or State Government or Public Sector Undertaking or any agency of the Central Government or State Government
III. Healthcare
7 Paediatric Intensive Care (i) Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive health care and sanitation and making available safe drinking water.
8 Infrastructure Development of Government Hospital

Vision Overview

As a Company, we at Triveni Turbine Limited wish to be perceived as a ‘Company with a Conscience’ and to actively and continually contribute to the social and economic development of the communities for the benefit of deprived, under-privileged and differently able persons. Our approach will be based on merits only without any regard to religion, caste or creed.

Though there are numerous addressable areas where there are cultural prejudices and a lack of equity, social justice, awareness and affordability for basic rights in our society, our Company have identified the following areas for the well-being of people, providing employment potential to them and preserving the environment as below:

  • Promoting healthcare, especially, amongst children, women, elderly and other weaker sections of the society.
  • Promoting education/literacy enhancement.
  • Skill development for enhancing employment and livelihood.
  • Environment protection and sustainability
  • Engagement in technology and innovation

Triveni Turbines Preventive Health Programme (Triveni Turbines PHP) for Females

Our Company identified a project as part of our CSR plan which focused on preventing diseases, such as osteoporosis, breast cancer, cancer of the cervix & ovary, anaemia of various types and promoting healthcare in women, especially of the lower socio-economic strata. Under this project, our Company provided free investigations and medical advice/consultation to women.

Protecting the Girl Child from Cervical Cancer

We provided vaccination to girls, especially of the lower socio-economic strata, in the age group 9-14 years to protect them from Cervical Cancer. Nearly 1,32,000 women in India suffer from Cervical Cancer and nearly 74,000 of these die each year but this can be easily prevented through vaccination given at an appropriate age.

New Born Screening Programme

Newborn babies, especially from economically weaker sections of society, were screened under New Born Screening (NBS) Programme for Thyroid profile, CAH, G6PD, and Hearing test. In India, two major disorders are being detected through New Born Screening (NBS). Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) is being found in 2 out of 1000 babies in India. Next to that, G6PD deficiency is more common among the population of India. They constitute 8.6% of India’s total population. NBS is done to find out if a baby has a higher risk of having a disorder for which early treatment or management can prevent intellectual disability, physical disability or even death. By treating these conditions, damages like mental retardation, thyroid issues, autism and sudden death can be reversed.

Waste to Manure Programme

The project in Trilokpuri is conceptualized to serve 2000 households, where decentralization of household waste management is done at source and the green waste is converted into manure locally. It is a first-of-its-kind pilot project based on the PPP model, being implemented by ‘East Delhi Municipal Corporation’ in collaboration with CII.

Support to Nursing School

We provided financial support to the Nursing School of a hospital to improve teaching standards, provide scholarships to good performers & deserving students and subsidise fees to students from economically weaker sections of society.

Other Educational Initiatives

We have sponsored education and training programmes for differently-abled students and provided financial support for the development of the infrastructure of these schools. Further, for two consecutive years, our Company has provided school buses specially designed for differently abled students. We also provided financial support to Government Model Primary School in Peenya and Sompura, located near factories, towards running the pre-nursery school which provides primary education to underprivileged children in this area. A total of more than 500 students benefited from these initiatives.

Water tool Applications for Sustainable Solutions, Enhanced capacities, and Renewal (WASSER)

Water continues to rise as a priority for India and Indian businesses in a scenario where there is increased variability in water availability and the resource quality is deteriorating. To facilitate appropriate decision-making amongst diverse stakeholders on water, it is important to integrate data, tools and water networks into a comprehensive, simple-to-use system that can readily be used by industry, Government and diverse stakeholders such as farmers, utilities and the community at large; enhance awareness, disseminate knowledge amongst various stakeholders on Tool to enhance improve water security of an area.

It is in this context that the project WASSER was undertaken in association with an implementation agency with an intent to develop state-of-the-art tools and world-class techniques meeting international standards to raise awareness, build capacities of diverse stakeholders on the usage of innovative methods and enable appropriate decision-making for water resource planning in India.

Skill Development Intervention for Industry towards Environmental Sustainability for Operating Renewable Energy Plants

We conducted skill development programmes focusing on environmental sustainability for operating renewable energy/biomass/co-generation power plants as part of our CSR initiative under environment sustainability. The goal of the programme was to enable the industry to achieve operational excellence by reducing its carbon footprint and creating an eco-system of environmentally sustainable organizations that contribute as much to the environment as they do to the economic progress of the country.

We encourage and support technological developments undertaken by various reputed technological institutes of National importance. We provided financial support to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for the development of a waste heat recovery power plant applying new and cost-effective technology for which the Institute is presently conducting research in their laboratory.

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