Steam Turbine For Industrial Captive Power Plants | Triveni Turbines
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Industrial Captive Power Plant Introduction

Industrial Captive Power Plants

Triveni Turbine Limited (TTL) provides sustainable steam turbine solutions to industrial customers and power producers globally. These steam turbines are used in diverse industries including Sugar, Distillery, Steel, Cement, Food Processing, Pulp & Paper, Textiles, Petroleum Refineries, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Palm Oil, Biomass, and Waste-to-Energy to name a few. Our industrial steam turbines are robust, catering to a diverse set of applications, such as Power Generation, Combined Heat and Power and Mechanical Drives.

Steam turbines for Industrial Captive Power Plants are considered to be the best alternative solutions for clean energy production as well. The Company has also diversified into clean energy solutions by offering steam turbines for thermal renewable fuels. TTL is offering customer steam turbine solutions to harness renewable thermal sources through feedstock such as:

  • Bagasse – A byproduct from the sugar industry
  • Biomass – processed from agro residues and palm oil residues
  • Waste Heat – generated from the hot exhaust gas in steel and cement processing units etc
Tumrbine Installed In Angalam_rajasthan
Turbine Installed Overseas
Turbine Installed In Turkey
Industrial Stem Turbine Generator

16 MW Condensing Steam Turbine installed in Germany

Steam Turbine Generator Unit

Stream Turbine Generator Unit

22 Mw Turbine Installed In Turkey

Triveni Turbine ‘22 MW Condensing Steam Turbine Generator during Installation in Turkey

Back Pressure Steam Turbine

Back Pressure Steam Turbine

30 Mw Turbine Installed In Poland

30 MW Condensing Steam Turbine installed in Poland

30 Mv Turbine Installed In Vietnam
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